10 tips for writing a good blog That will make you different from others

Ten tips for a better blog (Rebecca Blood)

1. Choose an update tool that is easy to use. Test various services. Some are free, some cost a little money, but do not compromise with a tool until you've had the chance to try. Choose the one that works best.

2. Determine your goal. The logs can be used to filter information, organize business, share family news, establish professional reputations, promote social change and reflect on the meaning of life. If you know what you want to achieve with your blog, you can start a more focused way.

3. Meet your potential audience. You act differently when they are with your friends, with your partners, strangers or your grandmother. Know who you're writing to let you adopt an appropriate tone.

4. Be real. Even a professional blog can be attractive. Avoid marketing style. Talk to real voice about real things.

5. Write about what you love. A blog is the place for strong opinions, whether about politics, music, social issues, gardening or your profession. The more involved you are in the subjects, the more interesting your writing.

6. Updated frequently. Interested readers will return to your site if you are likely to find something new. No need to update daily, but try to post several times a week.

7. Build your credibility. Strive to be sincere. Respect your audience and your fellow bloggers. Understand that the Internet, your words can last forever, so if you have posted as if they have been filed elsewhere. The Weblog Handbook proposed a set of ethical standards for blogs. Reflect on your own standards and be consistent with them.

8. Link to your sources. The Web allows a transparency that no other medium can match. When you link to a story, an essay, an official document, a speech or an article by another blogger, you give your readers access to your primary sources, enabling them to make judgments documented.

9. Link to other blogs. Your readers can thank those present they most enjoy reading blogs. The Web is a democratic and bloggers amplify the voices of each when they link together. If you link generously to other blogs, extend the basis of the information network and social contacts that are creating together on the Web.

10. Be patient. Most of the audiences of blogs is small, but with time and regular updates your audience will grow. You may never get to have more than a few hundred readers, but the people who return to your site regularly will because it is interested in what you have to say.

Extra tip: Have fun!. Whether your blog is a hobby as a professional tool, will give greater pleasure if you allow yourself to experiment a little. Even better with a blog topic a little fantasy now and then.

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