Security update for Chrome and Opera

In the free version 21.0.1180.89 Chrome browser eight security holes were closed, three of which are with the severity in "high." The discoverers of the bugs have been rewarded with a total of 3500 dollars.

The three most serious Chrome bugs affect run-ins (CVE-2012-2866), a buffer problem when loading URLs (CVE-2012-2869) and an incorrect type conversion in connection with XSL (CVE-2012-2871). There were no other error in the automatic line break (CVE-2012-2865), in cooperation between XMLHttpRequest and Web Workers (CVE-2012-2868) and the dialogue to warn of invalid SSL certificates (CVE-2012 2872).

In Opera 12.02, the developers have fixed a bug where the dialogue was sometimes not fully visible. This user would hold buttons on the website belonging to the dialogue and can possibly cause undesirable actions. Both Chrome and Opera update itself automatically.

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