Released first beta of Qt 5.0

The Qt developers have the midst of their complete "removal" of Nokia to Digia published and of the resulting delays originally been announced for June 2012 beta version of Qt 5.0. The beta for the first "major" release in seven years comes up with a number of new features. The most important among them is likely to be the new open architecture for the project, with the hope that is linked to faster development and testing. In the actual code section, the focus is on better design tools for user interfaces and a higher rendering speed for smoother operation of applications.

In functional terms, has the C + + framework also done a lot. A new version of Qt Quick (the UI toolkit based on QML, JavaScript and CSS) has become an essential part of the framework. Particular attention was paid to the scene graph component that has been optimized for Qt Quick and apparently allows the integration of OpenGL content such as shader effects and particles.

JavaScript support in Qt Quick and QML have outsourced to an independent module Qt QML, which is expected to grow through the use of the V8 JavaScript engine to speed. The WebKit API has not changed much compared to Qt 4.x, but should also have gained in speed and offer a few new features for Web interfaces. The developers plan to rename the WebKit engine in "Qt Webkit Widgets" and introduce a WebKit2 based on QML component.

Some useful improvements also brings Qt Core. The new class QStandardPaths example provides an application the default directory for files. A JSON parser has been added, along with a speed-optimized binary format for the data format. The MIME-type detection has improved obviously and a Perl-compatible regular expression engine has also been added. For Signal-/Slot-Verbindungen, the core concept of Qt paradigm, there is a new syntax check during compilation, and some data structures have been rewritten. There are C + +11- support where it, the developer, is useful.

Other new features include the collection of OpenGL in Qt GUI, support for DNS lookups and the elimination of classes and qhttp QFtp in Qt Network as well as the shift of the Qt GUI widgets in the new Qt widgets library. Qt 3D has become an add-on module to match the Qt library location, which was the sample taken from Qt Mobile itself has become an add-on module.

For more information about the new features in Qt 5-beta can be found on the wiki. A detailed list of the changes and innovations in the Gitorious repository of the Qt project. The binaries for Linux, Ubuntu 11.10 and 12.04, Mac OS X and Windows are available in addition to the source code to the project site is available, as well as the documentation for the toolkit licensed under the LGPL 2.1. The final release of Qt 5 will be released in November 2012.

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