Upstart available for Debian Sid

By providing Upstart as a regular Debian package repository in the unstable distribution Sid the Debian developers have created users the opportunity to try all three currently used system-initialization services Upstart and systemd SysV init. To install Upstart you have currently still use the sledgehammer method and beat into the package from the command line really in the system:

echo 'Yes, do as I say!' | Apt-get \
o DPkg :: options = - force-remove-essential-y \
- force-yes install upstart

A fair comparison of the three init services is not yet possible, because for some system services still no Upstart jobs, so they are in a sort of compatibility mode as SysVInit started customary succession. The developers anticipate that it will take some time before the missing Upstart jobs were included in the packages of the respective services.

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