Poke on Facebook, send pictures or videos to self-destruct
For several months already existed Snapchat, allowing an application to send images and text with an expiration time, or what is the same, the image was available for viewing for a limited time only for the sending, which promised protect user privacy, especially useful for those who like to send their partners or acquaintances photographs (commonly known as "sexting").
Huawei will launch 5-inch FullHD smartphone at CES 2013
It is unknown whether the company will bring the smartphone in Brazil, but the possibility is not remote, since the Chinese giant is turning its eyes to the domestic market, with launches cheap Androids and tops line - Huawei Ascend P1 like that come until March.
Besides the 5-inch FullHD screen, the Ascend D2 will come with a quad-core 1.5 GHz and 2GB of RAM. Rounding out the specs, the newest venture of Huawei have Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, 13-megapixel camera and 3000 mAh battery.
The Ascend smartphone D2 will be presented at CES 2013, to be held in January in Las Vegas. Due to its powerful hardware, Richard Yu showed concern about its possible price, which has not yet been defined.
'Xing-ling' Xiaomi M3 will have quad-core processor, Full HD screen and 2.5 GB of RAM
Known brands such as Sony, Samsung, Motorola and LG, are still working in the first smartphones equipped with quad-core processors and high-definition screens. Few gadgets with such processing power market. In China, however, there are already companies that invest in high-FullHD streak.
According to the site Android Community, the M3 can count on Cortex A-15 processor with something between 1.8 GHz and 2.0 GHz, 2.5 GB RAM, 12-megapixel rear camera and 4G LTE connection. The screen resolution will be filling a display of 4.5 inches. This size can deliver a high pixel density, higher than the gadgets with high resolution market.
Apparently Android that will come factory in version 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean). The bad news is that none of the smartphones of the brand even crossed the Atlantic. In China, Xiaomi is equivalent to the best known brands in Brazil, such as ZTE and Huawei.
Race to 14-nanometer technology
To the production technology for transistors with 14 nm wide structures, a race has developed, at least in press releases concerns. It is not always clear at what stage of development are the respective companies and exactly when the first semiconductor devices with 14-nanometer structures actually occur in final products that can be purchased at retail. Also, the characteristics of the different manufacturing processes are hardly comparable.
At Intel, it was clear that after running this year 22-nm process technology, the 14-nm technology is applied; probably Broadwell processors come with 14-nm structures in 2014 the market.
Flipboard now available for Android tablets
Many users of Android tablets are annoyed about apps that are designed only to be partially much smaller smartphone displays. At least with the popular social news reader Flipboard which is now a thing of the past: With the recently released update to version 1.9.16, the app now supports a function of the display size different layouts.
While on small screens usually only an illustrated news tile or two to three text messages per page, found on devices with a diagonal of more than 7 inches now much more (with pictures) messages space.
In our tests with a Sony Tablet S Flipboard now has the same look a digital newspaper, like iPad users are accustomed from time immemorial. Flipboard is available free on Google's Play Store.
British prime minister insists on blocking porn for kids
The British Prime Minister David Cameron wants despite concerns within their own ranks not abandon its initiative, which will be set up on computers in households with children pre-pornography filters. It was "extremely horrible" that many offspring were exposed to the "darkest corners" of the Internet, the prime minister told the Daily Mail. In February 2013, the government plans to draw up details with the major access providers.
The Ministry of Education had previously published the results of a consultation on the matter. The vast majority of almost 3600 participants spoke out against accordingly prescribed filters that are automatically activated. The Ministry requires Internet providers, parents should encourage stronger, more user-independent methods that inappropriate content can be blocked, use them. All Internet-enabled devices should be equipped with similar capabilities, so that children "standard" with a secure online environment. Of preset filters that could be strongly activated by parents only at his own request, was no more talk.
According to Cameron, but the fact remains: In the future, everyone who picks up a newly purchased computer or operating changes the provider, asked during the setup process will be whether minors belong to the household. If the answer is yes, should the porn blocking access immediately. The user could then perform only fine tune it, or insist that the connector is fully unlocked.
The civil rights organization "Open Rights Group" noted that many questions remained unanswered. All filtering efforts are easy to get around, especially for smartphones could hardly a protection to ensure that the kids could not handle quickly. The provider BT welcomed the results of the government survey. The access provider had volunteered last year together with Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media to install a porn ban at the request of customers.
Expensive but ineffective - apps with the extra portion of energy
One of the apps, the Kaspersky Lab expert Roel Schouwenberg identifying them as malware, offers users according to the description an "acceleration of the Internet connection." How Schouwenberg has found the app but nothing accelerates, it informs the user only that the Internet has been optimized. From the same vendor still comes another remarkable app, the "Shake Battery Charger". With this app should be able to replenish the battery of the mobile phone by shaking the phone again. In the forum, users Androidpit made fun of in April, a similar app.
The apps give users not so the promised benefits, the burden of doubt on the wallet, free space - but are these apps therefore be regarded as malware? In other industries, is called something like advertising lie or false marketing claims - not even remain unpunished.
In the food trade, the European Union has recently taken action against advertising lies. Food manufacturers must therefore since 14 Dec. no health claims attach to packages that were not approved by the EU. The information must be in the future scientifically sound.
In Google Play store the above apps have been removed, for example, several months ago. And the iTunes App Store and the Amazon App Store to try in advance flashy apps not allow for their shops. Have a batch or by Shake iShake but all stores in the range, the Solar Charger run on smartphone displays but they may soon be off the rank.
First details on the future Nvidia Tegra 4
2013 is near, and with it a new generation of mobile processors that push performance. Among these, the Nvidia Tegra 4 is probably one of the market's leading mobile SoC, as is the current Tegra 3.
Chip Hell site (via Engadget) put his hand on technical information about this chip is expected to debut in January at the Consumer Electronic Show.
Engraved in 28 nm, it adopts ARM Cortex A15. But above all, Tegra 4 embark 6 times more graphics cores as its predecessor, bringing the total to 72. What support a display of up to 2 560x1 600 pixels and play video in 1080p 120 Hz SoC is also compatible with USB 3.0 and DDR3L memory dual channel.
Remains to be seen what smartphone maker or tablet will be the premiere of Tegra 4, some rumors suggesting HTC.
Patent war: Samsung puts water in his wine against Apple in Europe
Significant change in tone from Samsung. In its global fight against Apple, the world number one has decided to put water in his wine. He announces in effect waive all claims Ban apple products in Europe.
This decision concerns the ongoing proceedings in Germany, UK, Italy, the Netherlands and France. However, "this decision does not affect the proceedings already underway in Europe" for patent infringement, said the manufacturer.
Struck by a kind of pragmatism flash, Samsung says that he prefers "to compete with other companies on the market, rather than the courts."
I must say that the context is a little different today. While Samsung has been heavily condemned this summer in the United States for patent infringement, but Apple has failed to prohibit its products on American soil.
At the same time, the South Korean widening the gap with his nemesis in the field of smartphones with a global share of 28% against 20%. In some countries such as France, the gap is even greater: 37% against 22%.
With its strategy to increase referrals and pincer grip, Samsung has finally got his goal behind the apple. Why then lose millions of dollars in endless procedures?
Twitter for BlackBerry updated to version 4.0
A few weeks before the official launch of Blackberry 10, Twitter has not forgotten the existing installed base with updating its native application. And the gesture is not trivial since Twitter 4.0 for BlackBerry brings Finally, two functions launched a year ago by the micro-blogging site. First there is the Connect function that brings @ mentions, favorites, subscribers and retweet. The second function is synthesized Discover trends, suggestions for profiles to follow, tweets subscribers.
Newest, Moi tab that profiles, tweets sent, lists and favorites. Functions so already for several weeks in iOS and Android, but to prove that Twitter does not forget Blackberry ...
The application is available on the BlackBerry App World.
Facebook include video advertising in news feed
The path to monetization is not easy, but Facebook seems to have in mind an idea that could bring enough income. Yes, the wrath of users is also guaranteed: Facebook plans to introduce video advertising in the news feed of users. As if it were on TV, Facebook also have advertising breaks.
The plan is to introduce this new product and the first half of 2013 (in April at the latest), for which Facebook would now courting advertisers to opt for the new advertising method as claimed several industry sources cited by AdAge.
The idea is that the spots are a maximum of 15 seconds, and automatically play the video fill the screen, forcing the user to see. I would not yet decided on whether Facebook is the sound of the spots should be enabled by default or not. In principle, Facebook wants to introduce both the web version and in its mobile apps.
The objective of this movement is Facebook with more than clear: to make advertising revenue rise dramatically. Since its IPO in May this year, signing Mark Zuckerberg has only to struggle to convince shareholders that really is a profitable company and is able to monetize their users billion. However, so far have failed to convince many.
Since Facebook have not commented on this rumor ,we would love to hear from you how do you feel about this?
Cisco buys BroadHop, its fourth acquisition in a month
Cisco has announced the purchase of BroadHop, a U.S. company based in Denver and provider of service management tools for operators and communications service providers.
Stresses that this will be the fourth major purchase of Cisco in just over a month, since November 15 was announced the acquisition of Cloupia, for $ 150 million. This company is a small startup with about 30 clients and fifty workers on staff, whose software helps improve the efficiency of data center infrastructures unified.
BroadHop is, for some time, as partner Cisco WiFi service provider and, with the acquisition of its assets, the company aims to improve the supply-demand network services via mobile broadband networks, fixed and wireless . BroadHop has technology that provides an opportunity for service providers to offer customized service packages to its customers with additional bandwidth as needed.
Kroes proposes an Airbus for the chip sector
It was Neelie Kroes, Commissioner for the European Digital Agenda, who on Tuesday said that if the EU wanted to be a global player in the production of chips, had no choice but to resort to the collaboration and cooperation. "Why not a Digital Airbus, Airbus or chips for the sector?" Was the question that launched the curator, a question that will probably go down in history. For Kroes is clear that teamwork across boundaries in a good start to succeed in the endeavor.
Nokia could have a Windows tablet at MWC 2013 RT
Originally, Nokia plans to develop a 10-inch tablet with Windows RT equipped with a Qualcomm S4 processor in the first quarter of this year.
Instagram: "We will not sell photos"
The changes to the terms of use and privacy policies on Instagram made for some excitement - not because of the photo service acquired by Facebook in the future will share user data with its new parent company and its other subsidiaries. Instead, many users and some commentators interpreted the new rules so that Instagram continue to sell the photos of other users. Some have already spoken of the largest commercial print service on the Web.
That this was a misinterpretation - which was based, however, on vague formulations and a lack of communication on the part of Instagram - now emphasized Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom: "Let me be clear: It is not our intention to sell your photographs we are working on. revised wording in the Terms of Service to make it too obvious. " Also fears had appeared that images of people could be part of ads. "We have no plans for anything in this article is why we will also remove the wording that raised such questions."
Mark Zuckerberg donates 18 million Facebook shares
18 million shares, which is the current market value of nearly 500 million U.S. dollars (379 million euros), donated much of the founders of the social network Facebook the Silicon Valley Foundation. This is a non-profit foundation that is committed to in order to promote charitable projects and community-based action. Zuckerberg had a good two years, 100 million U.S. dollars (75.85 million euros) donated to schools in Newark near New York. The 28-year-old is by far the largest Facebook shareholder with approximately 500 million share certificates. IPO in May, he sold a small portion of the shares only to pay taxes.
The Facebook shares currently trading at just under $ 28 and so while higher than the all-time low of less than $ 20, but still well below the starting price of $ 38 in May 2012. Even with this relatively low price, the shares currently worth 498.8 million U.S. dollars a huge boost for the Silicon Valley Foundation and the largest single donation in the United States for the year 2012. The foundation had throughout last year received $ 470 million in donations and manages around two billion dollars. They wanted to join forces in tackling projects in the areas of education and health, announced Zuckerberg.
On his Facebook page shows Zuckerberg to participate with his wife at the philanthropic campaign "The Giving Pledge" and donate a large part of its income. The campaign wants to move the wealthiest people in America to donate the bulk of your wealth in their lifetime or after their death, to charity. The campaign website can be seen that they preferred anvisiere billionaires, but only a moral obligation, not a binding treaty was. Besides Mark Zuckerberg can be on the list of signatories, see also the media mogul Ted Turner, Bill and Melinda Gates and the founder of Oracle, Larry Ellison.
Google Health is switched off
Google has invited the remaining users of its Google Health Health Service strongly to 31 December 2012 to copy all data from the health service. The year, all remaining data will be gone. Both Google and Microsoft offer U.S. citizens tools to copy the personal health record from Google Health to Microsoft HealthVault.
In June 2011, Google decided the end for Google Health. Launched in 2008, the supply could not meet Google's high expectations and remained with less than 10,000 users of magnitude below the set targets. The criticism from privacy advocates, a search engine aggregiere medical data, Google could not refute convincingly.
For the final of the offer described Google as a complete personal health record as a ZIP file is stored locally or directly Microsoft HealthVault can be passed. If the user login it into Google Health found no data in their medical records, they had completed a successful migration, Google explains the procedure.
WIPO Conference to approve 2013 copyright exceptions for the blind
An extraordinary general assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in Geneva on Tuesday decided to convene a diplomatic conference to adopt a system of copyright exceptions for the blind. After a four-year-long tug of war to see organizations such as the World Blind Union (WBU) their target moved a step closer. In June 2013, the International Law Treaty adopted in Marrakesh and be signed by the Member States of WIPO.
The WBU explained that remain in many countries copyright blocking the production of copies for blind or visually impaired. Including the transfer - for example to organizations for the blind in poor countries - is currently impossible. The proportion of the books currently in appropriate formats - in Braille, large print or audio - is produced lies in not more than 7 percent. Usually take care of it self-help organizations with limited resources.
Of the new agreement, the organizations for the blind hope finally Remedy. It would also be the first WIPO treaty for decades, which expands the copyright, but rather limited. The EU had penetrated during the negotiations on it earlier this week in Geneva to convene the conference agreement only if other points of contention on the Treaty provisions are pre-cleared. In February, wants to meet again to the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights.
Free Samba-4-Appliance SerNet
The SerNet now offering their appliance with the final version of the free Windows server Samba for free download. Unlike might guess from the name, is behind the appliance as with the precursors to a Debian Squeeze, it can be installed on a hard disk.
The distribution includes the now published a few days ago Samba 4, which is the first free implementation of an Active Directory domain controller. Besides the manageability of Windows clients via Group Policy with Windows' own management tools SerNet promises to work seamlessly with the Zarafa groupware, the schema of the directory service can be extended suitably.
The CeBIT 2013 SerNet also announced an expanded version of the appliance. You should bring it next Zarafa also equal to the opsi preinstalled software distribution already.
Profit jump for Oracle
Oracle has made in the past quarter of a leap in profits. The yield increased loud message in the end of November completed second fiscal quarter, year over year by 18 percent to 2.58 billion dollars (1.95 billion euros). The sales increased 3 percent to $ 9.09 billion, as the company after U.S. market closing announced on Tuesday. The figures were largely on the expectations of the analysts.
Business with new software licenses and cloud subscriptions - a key indicator for future development - increased by 17 percent to 2.4 billion dollars. Overall, the software sector increased sales by 10 percent to $ 6.65 billion.
Oracle had stuck in the past months in acquisitions in the cloud computing. Among others bought Oracle CEO Larry Ellison focused company like Taleo and RightNow Technologies.
On hardware such as servers and storage, Oracle has opposed currently little joy. Sales of equipment fell by 23 percent to $ 734 million and well below analysts' expectations. In related services revenue decline was a decline of 6 percent to $ 587 million from less steep.
Oracle had acquired with the 2010 server specialist Sun Microsystems. Ellison defended again after the quarterly results the Sun takeover: It was one of the most farsighted and profitable acquisitions that Oracle had brought a technological advantage.
Twitter: 200 million active users
In September last year celebrated Twitter 100 million active users, over a year later, there are already 200 million: Befitting a Tweet was the microblogging service a new record known and praised its users: "You are the pulse of the planet"
For more information about the total number of registered users, made Twitter hitherto. If one assumes a constant ratio of active to registered users, you would need more than 400 million users on Twitter to be registered. In September last year at 100 million active users over 200 million users were registered on Twitter. As an active Twitter users among those users who are active at least once a month on Twitter.
Twitter, meanwhile, is building its microblogging service is more widespread and even more trying to find monetization opportunities - not always to the delight of all users. Sun led Twitter after the ban of direct display of Instagram photos own photo filters and rudimentary editing functions. With the TV coverage of knives Nielsen wants the service to develop its own measurement of the impact of television programs on Twitter. Limitations in the API and when accessed by external apps wants Twitter isolate themselves but stronger and draw users to its own services, which added recently for resentment among Entwickerln well as among users.
Samsung shows smartphone with 5-inch display and dual SIM
The Galaxy is Grand. The biggest classic smartphone from Samsung, the 5-inch screen even surpasses that of the current top model Galaxy S3 Only the pin Smartphone score 2 is even greater. Particularly sharp the display with 800 × 480 pixels is not, however, this resolution already offer discounted smartphones with smaller screens.
Otherwise the device meets the Android middle class: It is equipped with an unspecified dual-core processor at 1.2 GHz, 1 GB of RAM and 8 GB of internal flash memory. The micro SD card slot up to 64 GB can be used on the back there is a camera with 8 megapixels. The battery capacity is 2100 mAh with comparatively high, possible terms of the manufacturer calls previously not.
Industry giant TUI announces contract with immediate effect Unister
Because the prosecutor's investigation into the Unister TUI Germany has terminated the agency contract immediately with the Leipzig online travel agents. "This means that from now on no more than TUI products Unister portals ab-in-the-Urlaub.de there and buy fluege.de" TUI spokesman Mario Koepers said Tuesday in Hanover. "We are quality and market leader. A collaboration with a broker, who is suspected of massive tax evasion and breach of privacy is, for us the question. "
Unister was known by very aggressive TV and online advertising, which works with more or less prominent personalities for fluege.de holds about former soccer manager Reiner Calmund his face in the camera, for travel24.com TV presenter Sonya Kraus and for ab-in-den-urlaub.de the former captain of the German national football team, Michael Ballack.
For the termination of TUI Unister should be a bombshell. TUI spokesman twill made but no information how many trips through the portals of the Leipzig were sold, but said: "Unister is a big player in the online market. We definitely need to do without a lot of revenue to not get in rates into the swamp. "
IOS devices dominate Internet traffic in the last 6 months
According to a recent study by Chitika we learned how to share Internet traffic from mobile devices. According to data obtained during the past six months, two-thirds of mobile devices accessing the Internet belong to Apple, ie more than half of all traffic. Meanwhile, devices with Android system are the remaining third of devices that access the Internet.
No doubt, it is noteworthy that low in the presence of Internet traffic by Android phones and tablets versus Apple's dominance, is that if we add the sales of all devices sold any brand running Android OS are higher than sales of the iPhone and iPad. So if sales are superior why are barely present in one third of Internet access from them? Possibly the reason is that users of the bite block, despite being less in number, using more terminals to access the network of networks, i.e., they are more active.
The study centers between May and November of this year and in it we see the U.S. company has managed to maintain the lead over the six months to 67 percent, a fairly high percentage, while Android was moving around in percentages 33 percent.
As mentioned above, although there are more people with an Android smartphone or tablet with these devote much less time to surf the Internet with them, a trend that is strengthened with the passage of time. So much so, that the use of Internet in iOS has increased by 2 percent, the same figure that has fallen on the devices with the Google system.
Finally, note that the iPad is the tablet that clearly dominates the Internet traffic in the tablet market, being the undisputed king with an almost complete domination over Android.
How much do Americans spend on Apple?
Apple fever in America is immense. An average American family spends $ 444 (341 euros) in products of Cupertino. This spending continues to grow each year despite the crisis and the threat that the income tax of individuals (personal income tax) increase next year. Many people save each month to buy the latest gadget from Apple. It is known in social networks like Apple Tax.
Americans are spending a lot of money each year on Apple products, not just hundreds, but thousands of dollars. And not only for the purchase of the equipment itself, but also left much of the salary in iTunes downloads for music, movies and games. In many families, all members of the household have at least one terminal with apple bite back.
The Reuters news agency has made a report and has asked several families on their higher costs. For instance, the home of Sam Martorana one human resource specialist for the airline WestJet, consists of three people, each with no less than nine of Apple products. Between her, her husband Ron and his stepson Evan MacBook have three, two iPhones, two iPod iPad and two. "Oh my God, I have to add it?" Says Martorana. "It's so depressing. I would say at least surpass the $ 5,000 (3,844 euros) with all those things, including the $ 700 (538 euros) in the last year. "I had a weakness. I fell in love, and that was it. "
Martorana is not the only one who spends so much money on the technology giant. In 2011, the average has been spent on Apple products in U.S. households is $ 444 (341 euros), according to the analysis of the firm Morgan Stanley.
That figure has increased from year to year. In 2010 it was 295 dollars (226 euros), and in 2007, was only $ 150 (115 euros). And this could only be the beginning. If Apple launches its own HDTV, the annual household expenditure Apple would double up to $ 888 (682 euros) in 2015.
"For many children, the purchase of an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch has replaced the first bicycle or driving license," says Paco Underhill, founder of Envirosell consultant and author of several books. "Apple creates a vision of what the process means to people connectivity. It is one of the few companies who understand the technology and not the technology. It is a device, "says
As we see, this can be a problem for some families with financial problems. The problem does not exist if the family has sufficient resources, it starts when I buy an item from Apple, you have other options aside, perhaps, more important.
Apple VS Google in economic data
Apple and Google are already a few years fighting for world supremacy of consumer technology. Their operating systems dominate the market for mobile and tablets, and in terms of sales and value of their products already said pretty much everything. Today we will talk about the real value of the companies and on the overall measure both its position and its success or failure.
The vast majority of people who follow the latest technological, and read so many news both Google and Apple are interested in technological warfare. Which of the two do get the best screens, the finest mobile, those with better battery and especially who gets to have the best software in the devices. Rivers of ink have been written about his fight on maps, on sales of each and their respective trade policy with respect to the price and quality of their products.
But shareholders, who are played for real money when a company does poorly or well, are indicative that usually give more accurate the assessment.
It is true that Google sells more smartphones than Apple, but this does not indicate that the Korean company has better health than his rival California. In fact the battle on Wall Street is leaning toward Apple.
The Cupertino went public on December 12, 1980. That day each share was sold for $ 22. Those who invested in the long run that time became one of the best business in Wall Street history. Today, if you eliminate the three divisions of Apple shares, those shares are trading at $ 529.69, an increase of 19,150%.
Google went public instead much later, as it is a younger company. The Mountain View sold its action the first day, August 25, 2004, to $ 85. Those shares are now worth $ 702.70, representing an increase of 725%.
As we see today, Google stock is more expensive than Apple, although this is not the only one that investors use when measuring the ability of each to generate money. In fact, this year, Apple's shareholders have been on top. Despite the 30% drop in Apple's stock from its highest point, still have a gain of 39% for the end of 2012. Meanwhile, the Google brand in 2012 has a gain of 9%.
To these data we can add that Apple is by far the world's most valuable company, worth almost 500 billion dollars. That's more than twice the valuation of 230 billion dollars from Google. In addition, the Cupertino trading at 44.2 times its profits per share, excluding special items, the company said S & P Capital IQ. Correspondingly, the Google brand listed on 32 times.
For all that Apple continues to lead, because it is still very profitable for everyone to invest in it, because it is a safe bet. In fact, Apple's earnings to give short-term investors 29.1 billion dollars and 92 billion additional dollars in long-term investments, virtually impossible for another company.
So, ignoring those who are risking their money, we can see that Apple still has an iron, and it is quite possible that as a result continue to lead the technology market for long.
iOS 6.1 beta 4 is available
Intel, number 1 semiconductor for the 21st consecutive year
For the 21st consecutive year, Intel ranks 1st in the world market of semiconductors.According to Gartner, the founder U.S. should show revenue down 2.7% this year to $ 49.2 billion and 24.9 billion ahead of Samsung (- 8.7%). The Korean giant has been affected by a drop in revenues in three areas that are DRAM, Flash and integrated circuits.
In third position is that Qualcomm has experienced strong growth in revenues (+29.6%) to $ 12.9 billion boosted by the growth of smartphones and 3G and LTE in China and India. Illustration of this trend, Broadcom is the founder of the only other top 10 show positive growth with 7.7 billion dollars in revenue (+8.8%).
At the global level, the semiconductor market has contracted (- 3%) 297.5 billion, affected by an incipient recovery expected in the third and fourth quarters was not manifested.
In third position is that Qualcomm has experienced strong growth in revenues (+29.6%) to $ 12.9 billion boosted by the growth of smartphones and 3G and LTE in China and India. Illustration of this trend, Broadcom is the founder of the only other top 10 show positive growth with 7.7 billion dollars in revenue (+8.8%).
At the global level, the semiconductor market has contracted (- 3%) 297.5 billion, affected by an incipient recovery expected in the third and fourth quarters was not manifested.
Amazon has chosen Foxconn for the production of its smartphone
Although Amazon has not yet officially announced the addition of a smartphone to its range of handsets seems increasingly likely. And according to the Taiwan Economic News, the same things are very advanced as Foxconn, the subcontractor Apple was chosen to fabricate the device with an order of 5 million units.
Last month already ensured that Digitimes Foxconn was selected by Amazon for this new project. No details have filtered but it is assumed that this smartphone will run as Kindle tablets, a modified version of Android.
According to the Taiwan Economic News, the launch will take place between the second and third quarter of 2013. The selling price of between 100 and 200 dollars, Amazon sticking to its aggressive pricing strategy to serve its ecosystem (music, applications, videos, e-books).
Fujitsu ESPRIMO X913 Touch, a new all-in-one Windows 8
The idea of the company, explained Penelope martinan, Product Manager Clients division of Fujitsu ESPRIMO is that new X913 Touch can be used in any job to get a consistent experience on any company. However, the computers need not be.
In fact, the company has launched two other products, FUTRO X23T X913 and MHL-1, which aim to achieve a uniform design despite serve other purposes. Thus, the FUTRO is a thin client, while X23T-1 is a screen that, besides a computer, you can connect any smartphone.
In all three cases the screen can be tilted up to 35 degrees, which makes these two devices are very versatile. Martinan, for example, noted the possibility of using the terminals as outlets or hotels, where users could use their smartphones with these screens.
But back to the ESPRIMO. The low consumption LED screen of this unit measures 23 inches and has a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. As you might expect from a Windows 8 is touch (recognizes up to ten simultaneous points).
All other features are configurable, so users can choose from several options to create a team to your liking (which obviously will affect the final price of the product):
Processor: Pentium G645T (2.5 GHz), Core i3 (2.8 GHz) or Core i5 (from 2.9 to 3.6 GHz).
RAM: Up to 16 GB.
Hard Drive: 320 GB From 1000 until (5,400 rpm) 320GB (7,200 rpm).
Solid disc: 128 or 256 GB.
In addition, the ESPRIMO Touch X913 incorporates other features such as facial recognition for security. The camera in charge of making this recognition can also detect if the user leaves the job and put the computer to sleep (or enable the configuration you want it).
All three devices are available through the wholesale channel Fujitsu. The ESPRIMO part of 1099 euros, FUTRO costs a minimum of 999 and the screen is available for a suggested retail price of 250 euros.
Resident Evil 6: Release Date and PC requirements
According to officials of this game, will be available from next March 22, 2013, and this release will be very comprehensive, as not only launch the game, but all expansions and additional content (DLC) available for Resident Evil 6 by then.
Of course, the game will be available in physical form and via Steam, the PC gaming platform and Mac's most popular online time.
However, we note that this title has some pretty decent graphics and attractive, but do not need a gaming tower of the most expensive and powerful to run, if it requires some minimum and recommended components in our PC we must take us about before the game.
Minimum requirements for Resident Evil 6
CPU: Intel CoreTM2 Duo 2.4 GHz or higher / AMD Athlon TM X2 2.8 GHz or higher.
Minimum RAM of 2 GB.
Available hard disk storage of 16 GB.
Graphics card: NVidia GeForce 8800GTS or higher.
DirectX 9.0 or higher.
Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8.
Recommended requirements for Capcom
CPU: Intel CoreTM 2 Quad 2.7 GHz or higher / AMD Phenom II X4 or superioro 3.o GHz.
Minimum RAM of 4 GB.
Available hard disk storage of 16 GB.
Graphics card: NVidia GeForce 560 or higher GTV.
DirectX 9.0 or higher.
OS: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8.
As we can see, there are higher requirements for supporting the game, so we just have to wait until March 22 next year for us with this title in its PC version, and thus enjoy the three campaigns with which account and all additional content that Capcom has prepared for fans of the series and the Umbrella Corporation.
Chumby developers building open source laptop
The goal of the "Novena" project is the production of a laptop, which is made entirely of open source hardware and software. Open hardware means that the schematics and specifications are royalty-free. While the open source movement has established itself in the field of software for years now, the so-called open hardware is also at the present time with current PC components not yet widespread.
The father of "Novena", Andrew "Bunnie" Huang wants to build for himself a DIY laptop, which consists of open documented hardware. Huang has become known as one of the first Xbox hacker and developer of the Chumby. Other enthusiasts Huang wants the opportunity to recreate his laptop and modify. To this end, he has let his team finished with a motherboard board. Only hardware is selected, the specification and driver are disclosed. The name is borrowed from a Novena subway station in Singapore.

The CPU is a Freescale iMX6 used, which has four Cortex A9 cores at 1.2 GHz. For the graph is the Vivante GC2000 GPU used. The connections and specifications of the laptop are similar to other netbooks and average: up to 4 GB DDR3-1066 SO-DIMM RAM, SATA II interface, USB 2.0 ports, HDMI-out and Mini PCI Express. A dual-channel LVDS LCD connector can provide a QXGA resolution of 2048 × 1536 pixels at 60 Hz.
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For hardware hackers but are the "fun features" a lot more interesting. Through a second Ethernet port, the laptop can be used as a packet filter (firewall) or a router. Via USB-to-Go is the laptop as Ethernet-Spoofer/Fuzzer or can be connected as a USB device with a computer. Likewise, a Spartan-6 FPGA-packaged CSG324 is housed in the laptop. To eight analog and digital FPGA-Ein-/Ausgänge and again eight PWM header for direct connection of RC motors or servos. In addition, the laptop is Raspberry Pi-compatible.
An overview of the progress and status of the project can be found on the wiki page of the project. The current goal is to develop an open source firmware currently, thus the software driver of the laptop are also open source. Part of the hardware created the first motherboard prototypes in June. Power has been transferred so-called one daughter card. It uses commercially available types of LiPo batteries 2S1P or 4S1P.
If enough people are interested in such a laptop, considering Huang one Kickstarter Campaign to open in a few months, once the components have been tested sufficiently. There would then be no cheap laptop. He is more concerned about the exclusivity of such a "hand-made" product.
Celebrity hacker sentenced to ten years in prison
The 36-year-old Christopher Chaney was sentenced in Los Angeles to ten years imprisonment and a compensation of about $ 66,000. Chaney had been in March, to be broken into the computer and email accounts of more than 50 singers and actresses. The victims included, among others Christina Aguilera, Scarlett Johansson, Mila Kunis and Renee Olstead.
Chaney was known to be guilty to nine offenses, including illegal eavesdropping and unauthorized access to other computers. For acknowledgment of debt in March, Christopher Chaney had admitted to be at least eleven months collapsed repeatedly in e-mail accounts. For that he had "forgotten password" feature of webmail used their security questions he answered on the basis of privileged information.
In the configuration pages of his webmail, he wore a mail forwarding address. He was forced to join all emails, sent the others to the owners of the hacked accounts. Chaney also sometimes sent e-mails on behalf of his victims and asked to contact their private photos. About the address books of compromised accounts to hangelte Chaney continue to other destinations.
For Chaney appears to have become breaking into other people's computers to addiction: After securing his private computer by the FBI he was using someone else's computer to break into another mail account. The found photos and information he shared with another hacker and passed it on to two tabloid websites.
In the verdict, the judge pointed out that the accused had to the victims a "callous disregard" (callous disregard) shown - have two unknown victims to Chaney even adjusted for over ten years. Judge S. James Otero noted further, extreme emotional distress could have just as devastating as physical injuries. Originally, the sentence will be announced in July. Chaney threatened 60 years in prison
W3C says HTML5 ready for
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has declared the work on essential parts of HTML5 to complete. It has both the specification for HTML5 in the strict sense as well as presented for Canvas 2D Candidate Recommendation, which means in the context of the procedure to the consortium that it will gather implementation experience before the specifications as Proposed Recommendations only have to be adopted. A few days earlier, was already known that the W3C working on HTML5.1. have begun.
HTML5, as it covers the specification, is only a part of what many see as HTML5. The developer list of the Consortium for advice on how to outsourced topics such as Microdata, RDFa, WebSockets and Web Workers in their own designs.
Moreover, the approach of the W3C is clearly distinguishable from the
Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG), which developed the coming Websprachenstandard under the name Living Standards within a single specification further. Eighteen months ago, WHATWG and W3C had finished their joint work on HTML.
Between victory for Intel, Apple and HP in Patent Dispute with X2Y
In the process it comes to patents 7,609,500 ("Universal Energy conditioning interposer with circuit architecture"), 7,916,444 and 8,023,241 (both "Arrangement for Energy Conditioning"). Shaw has explained the last two patents also invalid. The X2Y lawyers want a report from the Wall Street Journal to achieve that the ITC revising the decision.
In the process is Congressman from California, Oregon, Arizona and Massachusetts had interfered in which Intel has major operations. They had asked the ITC to impose a ban. X2Y had claims to Intel previously offered to license the technology in question, which had rejected the processor manufacturer.
New donation page for Wikileaks and other projects
The crowdfunding of Freedom of the Press works with a donation mechanism to make attractive bundled donations. (Described as an independent non-profit online publisher) next Wikileaks can donate to the American organizations Muckrock, the National Security Archive and The Uptake. The donation amounts can be split with a slider, and is a total donation for Freedom of the Press possible. Conceptually, reminds the donation site at the fundraiser who now again recognized non Wau Holland Foundation, which also collects for various projects such as Wikileaks, gate and Jabber. During the year, further projects and international nature are connected.
As founder of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, a number of prominent U.S. citizens is drawn on the action and a board seat occupied. Including Daniel Ellsberg, the whistleblower of the Pentagon Papers, and the filmmaker and actor John Cusack As executive director of the FPF trades Trevor Timm, an activist with the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Timm for the action of the FPF is the "Red Cross of journalism", which aims to help all groups who care about freedom of speech and transparency. According FPF are the payments that run through the payment gateway, where anonymous, not the authorities to identify who donated how much to WikiLeaks or any other organization. On credit card bills only "Freedom of the Press" and a sum of money'm called.
In an initial statement, WikiLeaks says that it now waging a war against the banking blockade. For next Thursday a speech by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been announced at the window of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on the subject and on the planned Wikileaks party in Australia. Assange enjoys political asylum in the embassy, after the failed all his appeals against extradition to Sweden to court. Assange in Sweden to testify in a proceeding in which he is accused of rape and sexual harassment in minor cases.
Currently there are no comments from the credit card companies or by Google Checkout or Paypal. In the past there have been similar attempts to forward donations to WikiLeaks through a payment gateway. They were undermined by the credit card companies by the Financial Services were advised informally not to accept such payments. Such blockade the Icelandic-Swiss company DataCell learned with their payment gateway for Wikileaks. She won in the summer of 2012 in the first instance, the action against the responsible financial services, but this was immediately appealed.
Cisco reportedly looking for buyers for Linksys
Cisco apparently wants to get rid of his department for Home Networks Linksys. According to a report of the financial news agency Bloomberg, the U.S. network equipment has instructed the financial firm Barclays trying to find a Linksys purchases. It could, according to experts less jump out for Cisco than the 500 million dollars that the company had paid 2003 for the takeover.
Cisco wants according to the report out of business with private consumers and focus more on hardware and software for businesses. Recently, the company acquired the network specialist, and thus Meraki technology with which the customer can operate centralized software-based network management are.
Google escapes an antitrust suit in the U.S.
The U.S. government will, according to media reports, no effort competition complaint against Google. After some voluntary concessions of the Internet group could the ongoing investigation for about two years to be set later this week, the Wall Street Journal. The most serious accusation of competitors, Google has penalized them in the search results in favor of their own services, be off the table, wrote the New York Times.
Was one of the concessions that Google will rely less on restaurant reviews and travel stories from other web sites and facilitate the exchange of advertising campaigns to other search engines, reported the website Politico and the New York Times. In addition, the Internet company will not enter into exclusive deals only for the use of its search engine to websites more. Official figures were not there.
Most recently, Google CEO Larry Page, media reports had not personally in the negotiations with the U.S. competition watchdogs. According to earlier information, the head of the FTC, Jon Leibowitz, Google had indeed threatened with a lawsuit and competitive concessions demanded. However, there has been considerable concern in the authority with regard to the prospects of success of such an action.
Google has. In the U.S. with a market share of approximately 67 percent of a dominant position in the search engine business A lawsuit against Google in the U.S. would be the biggest competition case in the IT industry since the actions of the U.S. government against Microsoft in the 90s.
Should the FTC actually decide against a lawsuit, for the Google antitrust issue was not conclusive from the table. The Internet company is in fact made in Europe by the European Commission in a competitive examination under the microscope. In Europe, the market share of Google is even higher than in the U.S.. In Germany, even about 95 percent of all search queries on Google are served.
As part of the agreement with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission monitors Google should probably change his handling of the patents that belong to the basis of technical standards. Here Google will inevitably have to sign an undertaking, it said. On examination it is about the allegation that Google competitors withheld licensing of such patents from the arsenal of the acquired phone manufacturer Motorola and have used in court against its competitors. Google will have to commit themselves to award licenses for the standard patents on fair terms - what is already common in the industry.
Apple: record sales for iPhone 5 in China
Apple did not speak of a slow start, the iPhone 5 in China, but we've set a new sales record: In only three days were more than two million units were sold in China. The new model will be available until the end of December in more than 100 countries, adds Apple and spoke of the fastest launch of a new iPhone.
"The reaction of the Chinese customers on the iPhone 5 was amazing, so that is a record for the best sales weekend in China was set up," said Apple CEO Tim Cook. He went so well against first impressions, that the new iPhone has experienced a rather slow start to the largest mobile phone market.
On the difficult Chinese smartphone market Apple's market share in the third quarter of this year had slipped from fourth to sixth. The official launch in China, the second largest market for Apple was, just three months after the launch of iPhone 5 in the USA.
In China's media but the relatively high price and little convincing improvements in design and function have been criticized. Internet users appeared upset that the iPhone 5 is about 20 percent more expensive in China than in the U.S. and about ten per cent more expensive than in Hong Kong. China Mobile, not only China's largest mobile operator, but currently the largest mobile operator in the world, Apple has so far been no close agreement on the sale of the iPhone 5, with China Mobile was rather once with the Nokia Lumia 920T to the train.
Optogenetics is advancing into new dimensions
The so-called combined optogenetics genetically manipulated neural cells with a light source for selectively to areas of the brain and off. The method has proven in animal studies to be extremely interesting for neuroscience and could someday lead to new therapies. The problem: So far, the necessary light rays are normally delivered only to specific points in the brain, although the brain activity consists of a complex sequence of activations in different areas.
A novel 3-D chip to the optogenetics therefore lead into the third dimension - send with the possibility of light patterns of nerve cells in the brain to almost anywhere, Technology Review reported in its online edition. "In the coming years there will be many of these devices," says Ilker Ozden, research professor at the Nanophotonics and Neuroengineering Laboratory at Brown University, who are working on similar technologies.
The new device comes from the Synthetic Biology Group at the MIT Media Lab. "The brain is a three-dimensional object," explains Ed Boyden, senior author of the new study. Far more than two optical fibers were used to control parts of the nerve cells. Would be necessary here, but much more control. A single light source is as if you play only one note, says Boyden. "A 3-D chip allows us to control the brain, such as a keyboard."
Still, the chip has not been tested on animals, the researchers are currently to use the device in living mice and to examine the activation patterns. The goal is to increase the amount of information that can be processed one optogenetics system. "There With a 3-D array is a set of possibilities that you could not even think so far," says Boyden.
Internet regulation: ITU in crossfire
Immediately before the start of the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) on Monday sought the Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Hamadoun Touré, again, to oppose censorship and control of pleasure allegations against his organization. In a press conference called by the ITU-chief of Syria to restore the broken internet and mobile phone access immediately. Syria had to ensure the freedom of communication contractually obligated Touré stressed. The ITU sees itself as part of the heated debate over the future telecommunications contract even against claims, they simply abolished altogether.
Of 3 to 14 December will be on the WCIT in Dubai amends the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITR), an international law agreement on basic issues of telecommunications. The ITR were last revised in 1988, they set the regulators centering both between countries and between carriers that ensure the smooth functioning of the global telephony. After presenting some of the ITU stakeholders (both states and telecom providers) the Internet will now be included in the regulations, in addition to imagine particularly the carriers to transfer the principle of the "sender pays" and quality of service of the telephone network to the Internet and thus overturn the net neutrality. For Internet users then would not the same Internet, the network connection would link the citizens in future only with a virtual world, which constructed its operators. Of individual states also come desires for stricter control of the internet content, which is rejected by the U.S. and some EU representatives sharp.
Researchers discover water ice on Mercury
Even though the attention was recently directed frequently to Mars, yet the other planets of the solar system still hold some surprises ready. As NASA announced last week that the Messenger probe has discovered the planet Mercury large amount of water ice. This sounds like a paradox is, its surface by the sun but close partially heated to over 400 degrees Celsius.
The water ice was, however, not found on Mercury's equator, but at its north pole. There exist some deep craters, the result of an extremely small inclination of the planetary axis to the orbit never gotten sunlight and therefore have temperatures well below freezing.
Messenger has examined the crater using neutron spectroscopy and found that there under a ten to twenty centimeter layer is a hydrogen-rich layer, which has almost the same as hydrogen content of pure water. The ice is at least several tens of centimeters thick. The ice could have come from meteorites that are imprinted on the Mercury.
The discovery of ice confirms the assumption that ice under a layer of insulation possible on solar neighborhood is celestial bodies - and raises equal to the next question: What is the insulation layer? The north pole of Mercury consists of unusually dark material. Researchers now suspect that it is composed of organic compounds, which came by meteorite impacts on the Mercury. Possible that the material was roasted in addition by the hard radiation on the surface of Mercury.
Samsung confirms high overtime in Chinese suppliers
Samsung has delivered to the Reuters news agency a statement of poor working conditions at its Chinese suppliers. Thus Samsung confirmed by our own investigations, that in some cases due to high product demand led to long hours. Some workers were paid by long shifts and weekend work up to 32 hours of overtime per week, with continued demand from it were sometimes 100 hours of overtime per month. The labor rights organization China Labor Watch (CLW) had earlier reported that some workers pushed daily 16-hour shifts - in just one day off per month.
Samsung manufactures claims to be more than 40 percent of its products in China, but relies primarily on its own factories and employees
Google takes Paketbox providers
By search engines and mobile platforms Google plans to expand the online shipping and industry Primus Amazon to compete. This corresponds with the 17 million dollar acquisition of Canadian startup company BufferBox, reported under the other of GoogleWatchBlog.
BufferBox is comparable with the DHL Packstation service that only packets that give the BufferBox mailboxes and not let the BufferBox can be equipped by all parcel services. After delivery of the package, the customer receives an email with a PIN with which he can pick up his delivery to the box.
Yet the BufferBox service of just two years old startups in the sample phase and the end of 2012 is free. Moreover BufferBox stations are available only in Toronto. The Bufferbox-founders celebrate her blog the acquisition by Google - especially now a financially strong company can accelerate the expansion of the shipping service.
Samsung expands lead in the U.S. mobile market
In the U.S., Samsung leads the mobile phone market, according to data from market analysts comScore continues to go unchallenged. Apple closed the gap and takes the second place with now. Rounding out the top five are still LG, Motorola and HTC, but all with decreasing market share. These conditions are reflected in part also reflected in the market share of mobile operating systems: Google does with Android, Apple iOS follows with, while RIM, Microsoft and Symbian are repulsed.
comScore U.S. registered a total 121.3 million mobile phone users. Of these, 51.9 percent smartphones. From July, the last survey, and October, the proportion had increased by 6 percent. During this time is sorted according to comScore, the top five players to easily. Samsung's share rose accordingly by 0.7 percent from 25.6 to 26.3 percent, Apple climbed to 1.5 percent from 16.3 to 17.8, while LG dropped to 17.6 percent (previously 18.4). Motorola lost 0.2 percent and now has 11 percent market share, followed by HTC with 6 percent (previously 6.4 percent). Apple's current jump can be attributed to the new powerhouse iPhone 5.
The market share of mobile operating systems: Google sets According to the analysts by 1.4 percent (or 52.2 in July, 53.6 percent in October), Apple gains 0.9 percent and now has a share of 34.3 percent (previous 33.4 percent). RIM sags from 9.5 to 7.8 percent, Microsoft and Symbian lost 0.4 and 0.2 percent. comScore sees their Marktanteilchen now at only 3.2 and 0.6 percent. It will be interesting if and how resulting shifts until the end, especially if it succeeds Windows Phone 8, to reverse the trend.
World Cyber Games launched in China
The Grand Final of the 2012 World Cyber Games (WDC), the longest eSports competition event in the world takes place from 29th November to 2 December at the International Convention & Exhibition Center in Kunshan place (China). Brad Lee, CEO of World Cyber Games, said that it had decided for the second time for China to host the biggest event of the year, as China counts more than 1.5 million gamers, the largest markets for eSports.
Also this year the focus is on PC and console games like Crossfire, DOTA2, FIFA 2012, StarCraft II, and Warcraft III. In the spring, leading to suspicion, an internal WDC business letter, you'll change the tournament largely on mobile games, because these recorded the highest growth in the games market.
To start of the event which was no more talk. After the opening ceremony and the reading of the Fair Play oath by the Chinese Warcraft III player Sky (Li Xiao Feng) and the U.S. DOTA2 referee representative Matija Biljeskovic took the opening match between Sky and the Korean Moon (Jang Jae Ho ) instead, won the Moon.
20,000 fans watched the opening ceremony in Kunshan. In addition to the WCG Grand Final attracted sponsors with events at their own stands, including hardware vendors Samsung, Nvidia, Seagate and publishers such as Neowiz Games, Nexon, QQ Speed and wargaming. On the website of the WCG and Twitch TV, all group matches live right. In Match Center also results will be constantly updated.
Yahoo threatens hardship before a Mexican court
The Internet pioneer Yahoo has trouble in Mexico: A court in Mexico City, the U.S. company has to pay 2.7 billion dollars (2.1 billion euros) condemned as Yahoo itself late on Friday at its headquarters in Sunnyvale, California announced.
QUESTION IS still not a final decision. According to the Internet company deals with a yellow pages service, in which the Company Worldwide Directories and Ideas Inter Activa accuse the Americans and its Mexican subsidiary breach. "Yahoo is the belief that the allegations of the plaintiffs are without merit," the company said. Yahoo will take action against the judgment.
TV streaming client Zattoo released for Windows 8 and RT
The TV streaming provider Zattoo has adapted his eponymous client software for Windows 8 and Windows RT, because also designed for ARM CPUs, it is also suitable for Windows Tablets with the RT-Surface operating system. The program can be obtained through the Windows Store. For streaming offering includes live TV channels ARD and ZDF and applicable interest channels, the news channel N24 and some international channels.
Before the call, the software always checks which interface it is coupled to the Internet and refuses to work if it is not wired or wireless connections is - so one can not therefore use the service over cellular connections. At least some LTE tariffs but offer enough free data for data-intensive applications such as streaming TV.
Zattoo is for English, German, Spanish and French and is available in localized versions for x86, x64, and ARM processors. Apps for smartphone platforms iOS, Android and Windows Phone 7 as well as adjustments for mainstream desktop operating systems such as Microsoft and Apple have long been available.
Now available: The new "iX Developer Program today"
For the fourth straight year, the annual special issue "iX Developer Program today," an overview of the status quo of today's software development.
For the lighting of programming languages that is at the heart of this issue, it is, firstly, to show it that the groundwork for the design of the established languages in earlier decades is not been so bad, what, for example, by feeding functional concepts into new, but also widespread languages is clear. On the other hand focuses on what's happening in the major platforms Java and C + +. A special status granted to the magazine for JavaScript that is enough now increasingly professional standards and thereby gets reinforcements by CoffeeScript, Node.js and Typescript.
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